About me
Here are stories of some of the most wild places on the planet and the wonderful people that I have encountered while exploring them.
​Project Croak took form when I was trampled by an elephant while on a tiger monitoring project on the Nepal border, escaping death by the skin of my teeth. As I recuperated, confined to the bed; several well-wishers visited and spoke of how dangerous the outdoors were and that these wild animals were out to kill us - and I felt that this was so far from the truth - I was more at risk when crossing the road than in any forest!
Thus, I felt the desire to share these heart-strumming experiences from the wild, and the science that helps us understand how the world works.
I enjoy using an interdisciplinary approach to find solutions for wildlife conservation and social justice, combining my academic training in ecology, economics and sociology.
I am currently studying the MPhil in Land Economy Research at the University of Cambridge, UK - exploring the use of behavioural science for biodiversity conservation. Previously, I worked with WWF-India on radio-collaring wild elephants and behaviourally-informed community institutions to secure human-elephant coexistence.