Monticola products
For people and wildlife
Monticola products combine behavioural science, ecology, design, and on-ground experience to create tools for conservation

Our Story
Traveling with a snake hook is a real challenge; the large size means that it does not fit in one's bag and the collapsible ones tend to break easily, making it difficult to carry. Introducing the ultimate solution: the toughest and most portable snake hook in the world - ideal for long expeditions and occasional urban rescues alike. Prototyped and refined on the field across the world, this is the go-to for all snake enthusiasts.
Monticola not only directly helps humans and snakes share spaces safely but also, all of the proceeds go towards this vision by supporting snakebite mitigation in northeast India.
Don't handle snakes yourself? Support one for local rescuers through the suspended hook programme below!

The Monticola snake hooks
A 1-minute advertisment showing how to use the Monticola snake hook in action and highlighting its unique features

The Monticola snake hooks being released at the Green Hub Festival, Assam 2022 by Rita Banerji and Bano Haralu
Monticola snakehooks have exceeded my expectations in every aspect: durability, design, portability, as well as their commitment to giving back to the community
Nandini Velho

ORA India Fellow, PhD Tropical Ecology
I’m using this Monticola snake hook from last one and half years and it’s very handy and strong. And it can attach to any stick you find around and it fits in a very small bag that you always carry. In places like Assam where snakes are very commonly found in human habitation so it’s very essential to have a Monticola

Gaurab Talukdar
Conservationist, Film-maker
This is a great tool and helps me a lot as I am often called to rescue snakes out of houses when I am working. This, along with the snake bag is a very good device for people like me
এইটো এটা উৎকৃষ্ট সঁজুলি আৰু মোক বহুত সহায় কৰে কিয়নো মই কাম কৰোঁতে মোক প্ৰায়ে ঘৰৰ পৰা সাপ উদ্ধাৰ কৰিবলৈ মাতি অনা হয়। এইটো, সাপৰ মোনাৰ সৈতে মোৰ দৰে লোকৰ বাবে এটা অতি ভাল সঁজুলি
Pran Kishore Keot